I just got done rocking my baby and I know I am completely inadequate to be the one who will convey the message of her worth. How can I ? She is absolutely precious, and beautiful, and a gift from God! I know you will believe this when I tell you, but will she? How can I convince her of her worth when her mind will tell her she is worthless? Would you believe me if I told you of your value? Many of you probably would not. Most of us will never understand the treasure we truly are and we will believe the lie of our worthlessness! How will this precious baby believe me when I tell her she is wanted and loved and treasured. All she will need to do is look to her beginning and say to herself..."That cannot be true, no one wanted me then, why should I believe you now?" It is not unlike most of you. How many of you had a past that was less than conducive to building your self worth. I asked God tonight to grant this child the ability to see her from His perspective. If she can do that she will be powerful! She will be gracious, and giving, and she will have the ability to share herself with others. If she does not believe the message that I will convey to her throughout her life than the opposite will happen. I felt what God must feel when he looks down on His precious creation and they say about themselves, "Yuck!" His heart breaks and Satan laughs! I wrote a poem some years ago and it is appropriate now for the message I want my Beautiful Baby Meseret to know. Read it and know your worth as well:
God's Perspective
Before you were born I knew you
Be aware of my love just for you!
I saw all the others I'd already made
And began to design anew
The way that you were from the day you were born
Is the way that I want you to be
And the worth that I placed on you before you became
Is the worth that I want you to keep
When I wove you together inside the womb
I saw your delicate soul
In you I could see all that you could become
And I made you completely whole
I'm aware what you think of the person I made
You think that your not so fine
But how can you put more worth on things
Than you do on what I designed?
You can say in your head and repeat in your heart
The lies you have heard all your life
But if you listen to them and forget what I've said
You will never be done with your strife
Do you know the reason I made you? Listen to this!
It's for you to be close just to me
Because no one can love you a fraction as much
As the one who made your heart beat
You look to the hills and see beauty outside
Yet pass over the most beautiful of all
The one in your mirror that you run from in fear
The one that I long to call
Could coming to me be harder
Than the life that you already have?
Or do you think that the things I will ask you to do
Will be more than your willing to give?
So now you decide, turn to me or just hide
But my love will not go away
If you keep turning your face you can never feel my grace
Even though I'm there always
Draw near to me and I promise
I never will let you down
For the closer you step the closer I'll come
Beside when I hear your voice sound
Now look to my work and notice
That the love that I talk of was proved
So long ago I came into your world
And died on a cross to save you
Whatever in your life you've done
is not what matters to me
It's only what will happen in the future
And what you choose for eternity
So don't take too long to decide if I'm wrong
For I wish only to be with you
For the rest of your days down on earth and always
Child feel your worth through and through