Monday, March 3, 2008


As the pregnancy and the adoption progressed our family relied more and more on God. When we began this journey babies were not even on our radar. We had no baby equipment left except for a couple of items we were saving for grandchildren. There were no cribs, strollers, dressers, clothes. There were no diapers, or rattles, or onesies, or bottles. Nothing was left. It was exciting to watch how God provided for these two little girls. With this pregnancy I was given not one, not two, but three very large baby showers. Everything came in from car seats, to swings, to so many clothes that our closet looked like a baby clothing store. Gift certificates, layettes and support came in from everyone. I had to buy boxes of thank you notes and book after book of stamps to send them out!! I felt God's huge arms around me hugging me and loving me and my family and those two babies.

1 comment:

Kari said...

It was wonderful talking to you today on the phone :) Its nice to know another 40+ new mommy! I can't wait to read your entire story of adoption...

Can't wait to hear what Duni has to say...