Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Let the Heavens Rejoice!

I have to laugh when it comes to the common question that naturally arises at one of my husband's business functions or at a dinner party...."So how many kids do you have??" As my husband says, "It's like they tee up the ball!" After a small pause, I get into the right position so I can really see their full expression...and I say calmly, with a slight easy smile,"Seven." Eyes bulge, awkward gawk, long pause, slight gasp . I can almost see the mental picture form in their heads. Me barefoot, hair askew, dark circles under my eyes, rolling pin in hand with two babies, three toddlers and a four and five year old hanging on my legs. Finally they answer with some inappropriate response like," Your kidding...right??", or "I could never do that!", or "You must be a saint!" , or" I'm soooooo glad it's you and not me!!" The answers to these questions are, "No!", "Yes you could if you chose to!", "No, I only wish I could be that holy." and, "So are my kids!"
The sad thing is that it is not just the secular world that feels this way. I get these responses from the church as well. Many prefer to sign up for the curses of debt and reject the blessings of God. Sometimes I feel I should apologize for my behavior(you know... being willing to mother so many) because it simply makes people feel so uncomfortable. Two's snug, three's a crowd....but seven...talk about cramping ones style??? The funny part about it is I feel like I'm the one who is free. I'm not confined to the societal rules of how many children are appropriate(1.7) or what they should be(one boy and one girl). I do not have to live by the rules that dominate most of the lives around me. My standard is set by a much higher value system...Heaven. And in that place all who come into the family of God are welcomed. And when spiritual children are born angels rejoice. No moaning and gasping. Can you imagine the angels responding to spiritual babies the way people respond to (too many) children being born into a family? What like Gabriel would say," Not another one, we already have so many up here!"And so I choose to respond as the heavenly host and praise God for His blessings of children and for his provision of a way for each of us to be born again into the family of God through his son Jesus.
And so after the adoption of our two newest girls from Ethiopia is finalized I look forward to that inevitable question.... and the answer will be (with a twinkle in my eye), "Nine!!!!"
Praise the Lord and let the heavens rejoice!


Anonymous said...

I would like to be with you when you say you have 9 children. When I share your story with my co-workers the men all ask what kind of job your husband has. You are truly wonderful parents.

Molly said...

Thank you for sharing that. I've always wondered what it'd be like. I'm 16 and my dream is to have 8 kids when I'm older (most of them adopted!). It's so encouraging to see families growing their families through adoption and following God's call to their family. Keep it up and stand strong, no matter what people say. People like me are looking up to you, hoping that God will call us to that too.
Blessings on your growing family!!

Jori said...

9 ... are you crazy!!! :) No, just really blessed!! I am so happy for you and the way you look at family! We are praying and doing all we can for 2 (we already have 3) and we get "the look" already when we talk of them. March on friend, March on!! (but what does your husband do?!?!) :):)
DTE 02/19 either x2